Modbus communication driver for GMPC


GMPC controller made by LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea. GMPC controller can support Modbus protocol.


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of MODBUS2 communication driver for GMPC model. 

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of MODBUS2 communication driver for GMPC

Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM1 or TCP/IP, UDP/IP, etc), Baud Rate(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively according to setting of GMPC.

Baud rate, parity bit, data bit, stop bit can set by using switch of rear or front panel(GMPC controller).


read schedule of MODBUS2 communication driver for GMPC

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) STATION – GMPC controller station number.

2) Modbus function number – Function number = 4W, 4F, 3W, ....

3) Read start address – Read start address in function memory.

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server – saveing start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Word, Dword, Float, Byte, etc unit Read size. (according to read type)


Read schedule example)


READ,    2,   4W,     0,     0,   3,

FLOAT,   2,   4F,    40,     3,   3,

FLOAT,   2,   4F,    80,     6,   3,


Note) Function number : number = function of modubs, character = reading data type, F:IEEE 32bit Float , X:Bit Device, W:Word Device, B:Byte, D : Double word.


2. Writing settings

You can write GMPC controller by using write settings. 


Digital Write

Digital write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             GMPC controller station number.

3)  ADDRESS          Write address in modbus memory.

4)  Extra1                   Function = 5, ....

5)  Extra2                   Don't care.


Write example 1)

PORT : 0  Station : 2,  ADDRESS : 0001,  EXTRA1 : 5,  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is CB ON write example of 2 GMPC III.


Analog Write

MODBUS2 communication driver for GMPC model don't need Analog write.